DISPLAY AD’S (Printing/Digital Issue and Web)
(Prices, Sizes, Specifications, Deadlines and More)
All rates bellow has 5% off with contract for 3 issues = 6 months, and 15% off 6 issues = 1 year.

* Full pages on “Premier Pages” as 2, 3, 4, 5, and Inside Back Cover usually are designed for our premier content or premier advertiser.

** All advertisers com full page or back cover has extra features such as social media support posts (2 per month) and eNewslater/eBlast insert (1 per month).

*** All advertisers with 1/2 page maybe will have extra features such as social media support posts or eNewsletter inserts.

* Available only if there is at least another tablet size to build a block of 1/8 page.
Artwork Requirements:
* You can send artwork ready by digital file via internet from anywhere around the world to:
** Artwork must be sent in PDF, JPG or TIF file, and 300 dpi resolution minimum for better results for displays in the magazine. Artwork for the website is in pixels and resolution is fine for the web.
*** If you don’t have “Artwork Ready” we can design your AD (web or magazine) for a discounted rate of $30 per hour. Please call us for a free consultation – (424)206-0538

* Usually the day 21 (twenty-first – 7 pm, U.S Pacific Time) of the month previous from the following edition. Example: July 21 is the deadline for the Aug/Sept issue.
** Usually 5 days before the end of the month if we will start showing your banner the next following month. Example: July 26 is the deadline for a campaign starting on August 1.

Still have a question?
Feel free to contact us by phone (or using the WhatsApp): 1(424)206-0538 or email: Will be our pleasure to assist you in your needs.