The Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival (LABRFF) is a traditional and annual Brazilian cinema event, which takes place in Hollywood, California. The LABRFF focuses on screening and pitching Brazilian productions, as well as developing relations among Brazilian producers and American film industry professionals in order to incentive production, co-production and distribution services among both markets.
The 9th edition of the festival will be held at Los Angeles Film School from September 17 to Sept 20. The Opening Night happened on Friday, Sep 16th at Harmony Gold Theatre with the screen of “Stronger than the World” by Afonso Poyart.
The festival will also offer the Film Market with guest speakers at the Los Angeles Film School on September 18th and at the AKA Hotel in Beverly Hills on September 19th and 20th. The Closing Awards Night premieres the film “Desert” by Guilherme Weber.
“We believe that we can make a difference by showcasing the most inspirational stories about our country, its diversity and culture and as long as we continue to enjoy the peculiar sensation of gathering with a bunch of strangers in a darkened theatre, film will always matter”, said LABRFF co-founder Meire Fernandes.
To download the Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival full program go here.
To download the LABRFF Film Guide separated by categories go here.
To buy tickets for the different films and sessions as well as the open and closing ceremony go here.