Image Art of Living Miths and Facts A When trying to be more productive, we sometimes employ unhelpful methods. We will see different tactics on how to increase productivity, be busier, and get work done faster with more efficiency. When we see these tips and tricks, we will also see people saying how much it works for them, making us feel like they are good tactics. However, sometimes, these could be more productive tips. Today, let’s talk about different productivity, myths, and facts.

  • Productivity Myths

When it comes to productivity myths, they are often geared toward seeming helpful but can actually have the opposite effect. Many of them are supposed to be motivational and encourage you to seek more efficient productivity, but they can tear you down.

Here are six productivity myths:

Longer hours = higher productivity. This is false. There is a reason why the average work day is 8-10 hours. While longer work hours can theoretically help you get more done, your body and brain aren’t too fond of that. You will begin to shut down, not just from physical exhaustion but also from mental fatigue as well.

Multitasking is a sign of productivity. While being able to multitask to some degree is important, being able to do a lot of things at once can lead to not getting anything done.

Being busy is different from being productive. This is incorrect. You can be busy and not get anything done. Productivity is getting tasks/assignments done. You can start many tasks or assignments and never get anything done. The goal is to be productive, not busy.

Tech is distracting. Some of it, like your phone, can certainly be distracting, giving you access to social media, streaming apps, and other things that can distract you from work. But when used correctly with the proper discipline, it can be helpful for being more productive.

Breaks are bad for productivity. Of course, too many breaks can and will be bad for productivity; however, taking breaks can increase productivity because it allows your brain to breathe. When you bog yourself down with too much work, it can lead to burnout, which makes you unable to push through.

Image Art of Living Miths and Facts DThis is when you’ll get into “busy but not productive territory,” which is hard to break out of. Breaks can give you a breather and allow you to remember there’s a world outside of work, which can serve as a motivator. 

Productivity is perfection. There is a reason why you work with others. Other people, like managers, editors, etc., can help ensure your work is perfect; it’s not only on you. You’re only human, and you can’t have perfection in everything you do all the time. Striving for total perfection can prevent you from getting other work done.

  • Productivity Facts

Now that we’ve gotten all of the myths out of the way, there are also productivity facts to consider. These things about productivity are valid and should be able to help create the best environment for productivity by either following them or making sure that you don’t use these methods. These will mainly be helpful if you’re in a manager position.

  • Here are 6 productivity facts:

Meetings kill productivity. Too many meetings that last for too long can kill productivity. It’s not just the meeting itself that will tank productivity; it’s also the amount of time that people will spend preparing for the meeting. Many meetings have also been found to be pointless, so it might be beneficial to see if your point can be communicated with an email.

Praising employees will boost morale. Morale in your work environment is important. Giving your employees praise and proper appreciation will help them feel better about their workplace.

Remote work can increase productivity. Many employers have seen an uptick in productivity with remote workers despite people thinking the opposite. Many would assume that working from home makes you less productive, but many find it easier to work in a more relaxed environment like their home. It boosts morale because it gives them the flexibility to work wherever they want.

Many people find late morning to be more productive. Rather than work beginning incredibly early, people will find themselves more productive in the late morning rather than earlier.

Social media kills productivity. When employees use social media during work hours, their productivity will lower, making their work less beneficial to you. It’s essential to ensure that employees are not using social media and that you are also not using it.

Poor communication will decrease productivity. If you communicate poorly with those you work with, nothing can get done efficiently. Everyone will be too busy correcting communication errors rather than getting work done.

  • The Takeway

There are many myths and facts about productivity. It’s important to weed out the truth and employ or avoid these methods in your professional life for peak productivity.