By Betty Guy-Wills

Image_Web_2016_April 8_Skin_Beauty_2This changing weather of the Spring Season takes a special toll on your skin. In California as example, the chill in the morning and evening with sunny afternoons can distress your skin with a devastating dryness. In many areas of the U.S, the sun causes a year-round drying and aging effect.  The demands of jobs and careers continue plus going in and out of air conditioned stores and offices can spell danger in the form of dehydration, with results of a dry, flaky, and dull looking complexion at any age.

By taking  a few precautions you can overcome these adversities and survive with a radiant complexion. Hydrating or adding moisture to your skin, both externally and internally, tops the list of “I must begin immediately!” Increase your intake of quality water by carrying a bottle with you, everywhere!  The equivalent of 8 glasses daily will instantly replenish the skin’s lost moisture. Skin cells contain more than 90% water, and when the water is lost they diminish in size ad flatten out and cause cell dehydration outwardly. These flattened out cells appear as lines, wrinkles, and lackluster skin.

Daily skin care is a high priority, especially during this time of year – in U.S between March and May in most cases.  A richer liquid cleanser that contains vitamin C and/or panthenol (vitamin B5) is needed, and please no “regular” soap!  Follow up with a toner that is non alcoholic and that aids in building moisture and tightening the pores.  A night treatment is needed to nourish the skin at its peak of cell renewal!

All treatments should contain natural botanicals, minerals, vitamins, and nourishing oils. Special serums are excellent for extremely dry skin. Visually the eyes are the first to show signs of stress and dryness. Eye gels or creams with herbal extracts applied day and night will nourish and tighten and protect this vulnerable area. Always apply an eye product with a light tapping motion with the ring or little finger. Please remember to wear sunglasses with both UVA and UVB protection during the day, even if the sun is behind the clouds.

Saving and natural beauty tip 1:

Once a week scrub your face with a paste made from raw sugar and water.  Just pour the paste in the palm of your hand and massage over face and neck, rinse with tepid water then pat dry. It’s a little sticky but this exfoliation works great to remove dead skin cells and improve the skins’ ability to absorb moisture. Follow with a day moisturizer, especially the ones that contain the essential fatty acids and  a night moisturizer treatment to repair skin cells while you are sleeping.

Saving and natural beauty tip 2:

You can apply grape seed oil instead of the moisturizers. Grape seed oil is the basis of many expensive skin care products and can be bought at your natural neighborhood super market for just a few dollars. It will last for at least a year in a cool dry place. Massage lightly into your skin right after cleansing and/or a shower.

So, let’s think about skin care as a long term investment into the Spring and Summer Season with Radiant, Glowing skin.

*Betty Guy-Wills is a writer, colunist and beauty consultant with many years of experience. She lives in Beverly Hills, California and can be reached through the email (the AT replaces the @ to prevent spam)