Here you will find some tips for your household expenditures that allow you to economize without sacrificing the quality, comfort and happiness in your life.
- Water
The best way to save on your bills is to reduce the way you consume. Using these following steps, you will reduce your bill up to 25% per month.
- Use the tube instead of the shower. More relaxing and pleasurable! You can save 15 to 20 gallons of water per day
- Run your dishwasher when it is completely full. Avoid using it with small amounts of dishes and flatware. You can save up to 200 gallons per week.
- Store bottles of mineral water in the refrigerator, You can save up to 150 to 300 gallons of water per month.
- Wash vegetables and lettuce with a sink full of water instead of running the water from the tap. You can save 15 to 250 gallons per month.
- Always water the grass in the garden during early morning hours or in the late afternoons. NEVER at noon. You can save up to 300 gallons a month.
Did you know that paper is one of the few truly sustainable materials in the U.S and also in other countries like Brazil? Most paper is made from the wood pulp found in trees. Paper producers work with private landowners to continually source, plant and grow trees.If you can save it and save your money, the volume of tree growth in the U.S. and other countries each year is roughly double the amount harvested.
- Shop Wisely
Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag!
- Use Long-Lasting Light Bulbs
Energy efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions. You can also also flip the light switch off when you leave your room or living room or the house/apartment.
- Plant a Tree
Trees provide food and oxygen, and it can help you save energy, but also clean the air, and help to combat climate change.
Protect our planet starts with you!