mug 3403963 1280We need to learn how to take the time to show ourselves that we’re strong and hard-working. Why is it that motivating others is easy, but we struggle to motivate ourselves? One of the secrets of self-motivation is to get our internal gears turning the right way so that we recognize our worth and value.

Everyone has goals they’re working towards. Yet, the degree of self-motivation we allow ourselves determines how hard we’re willing to work to achieve the desired result. So, in a nutshell, with self-motivation, anything is possible, but, on the other hand, if it’s lacking in someone’s life, then life goals become of little significance.

To always encourage yourself to do better and be better, you need to show yourself kindness and motivation. Without them, you’ll achieve very little in life. To help you get inspired, we rounded up five secrets to self-motivation.

1) Be Confident

Having the confidence to stand up for your beliefs and dreams is one of the most critical aspects of self-motivation. Yet, it can get difficult mustering up confidence when your brain is wired to shy away from a challenge.

To rewire your thoughts and build up your confidence, get a pen and paper. First, write down 3–4 of your achievements just to remind yourself of how much potential you have. Then, make a habit of writing one thing you achieved each day. Little by little, that page will turn into two, then five, then a dozen – all the while creating a momentum that feeds on your self-confidence and assurance.

2) Track your Progress Image Art of Living Track your Progress

Now that you’ve started writing down your daily achievements, even if it’s just watering the plants, it’s important to keep track of how far you’ve come. You can use something as simple as a to-do list where you cross each task as you get each one done. Or, if you want to be more general, just cross off the whole day.

There are also numerous apps and software tools that help you create a personalized digital task board. This makes it easier to customize goals on a smaller scale, as well as all the way to the more time-consuming monthly and yearly goals. As a result, you hold yourself accountable. Plus, you wake up each day knowing exactly what you’re supposed to do, giving your life purpose and meaning.

3) Maintain a Positive Outlook

Maintaining a positive mindset can go a long way in boosting your self-motivation. It’s also a great tool to have when things don’t go as planned. That’s when having that positive outlook can help you see things from a different perspective. When your brain expects positive results, your choices will be geared towards the more positive. You’ll also be less likely to blame others for the unexpected things that pop up in your life.

To do this, you need to be aware of your negative thought patterns. Then, each time you feel some negative thoughts starting to pop up, replace them with positive ones immediately. Another way to achieve this is by repeating positive affirmations in the morning to boost your motivation and confidence as you start your day.

4) Set Realistic GoalsImage Art of Living Setting Realistc Goals

Goals give your life a sense of direction, like a promise you make to yourself, then do your best to keep it. For example, it could be something as simple as cutting back on sugar for a whole week or maybe something a bit more consuming, like working out each day for a month.

Whether it’s work, family, or something personal, the best way to set goals is to break them up into measurable tasks. This can be monthly, weekly, daily, or even by the hour – whatever works for you. Another tip is to make the goal just challenging enough to pique your interest. Yet, it shouldn’t be too complex that you give up easily.

5) Surround Yourself with Supportive People

Having positive people who help you achieve your potential is a great way to increase your self-esteem. In return, this gives your internal motivation a nice boost. They’re also great for holding you accountable. They keep you pushing forward even when you don’t feel like getting out of bed.

The best thing is that it works both ways, which only works to strengthen your relationship. Plus, no one wants to let down that person who’s always there for them through the good days and the bad.

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