There are numerous different visa types and they are all linked to certain conditions. Here we will talk about the “Temporary V – Work Visa” that can be issued to persons who travel to Brazil to work and/or perform any services under contract, including researchers, technicians, professionals, and Maritimes. The good news about it is that the General Coordination of Immigration of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (CGIg / MTE) is grant more than before this type of Visa. From January to June of 2013 per example, almost 30,000 work permits was issued to foreigners (27,975 temporary and 1,511 permanent).
From this data, the position one in the list are the Americans (3,947), followed by the British (2278), Filipino (2,056), Germans (1837) and Indians (1377). The most popular destinations for those foreign works during this respective semester was Sao Paulo (10.705), followed by Rio de Janeiro (10,699) and Espirito Santo (1395). In terms of education, from this total, 4.1% had a Master/PhD (4.1%), 49.3% a college degree, and 41.4% the complete High School.
On the other hand, a permanent work visa will usually be issued to foreigners who are entitled to a permanent residence in Brazil, and is common to professional researchers or scientists (for activities exceeding a period of two years), investors (sum that exceeds US$50,000 for individual or US$200,000 for companies) and companies directors or managers.
Application Process in Brazil
Work visa applications must be submitted directly to the Brazilian Ministry of Labor (specific requirements are listed at the website, under the heading “Serviços para Estrangeiros”). The Embassy can only process applications once the proper authorization has been received from Brazil. It is possible to apply for a Work Visa whilst in Brazil. The requesting party should contact the Ministry of Labor to obtain appropriate instructions regarding the application process. Other source that should be helpful is the Embassy of Brazil in Washington –
All visas must be issued outside of Brazil. Therefore if a Work Visa is authorized to an applicant that is already in Brazil, they must leave the country in order to receive the visa in their passport, re-enter on the condition of the Work Visa and register with the Federal Police Department. Once the Embassy of Brazil has received the authorization for a Work Visa, the appropriate documents following must be submitted.