According to data from US Federal Agencies, in 2017 the homeless population increased by 0.7% – an increase that hasn´t occurred since the recession of the 1980s. This big problem is going to be the theme of the upcoming film “2 Shots of Tequila”. Directed by Colombian filmmaker Juan Zapata, currently living in L.A, the film is inspired by the over 550,000 men, women and children living on the streets of America. Starring Marlon Moreno (‘Another Forever’ – Netflix) and Roberto Birindelli (“1 Contra Todos” on FOX).
“The film is a journey throughout the city of Los Angeles far from the glamour of Beverly Hills and Hollywood. An underground world described by two men who have lost everything. In the eyes of society, they are social outcasts; however, they have much to teach us”, says Zapata.
Written by Thomas Stavros, ‘2 Shots of Tequila’ is not going to be a drama, however a fiction film which Stavros coined as “an emotional comedy”. “In the pre-production phase we researched and conducted surveys in many neighborhoods throughout L.A. We talked to the residents, we spent lots of time with them, shared stories, cried, laughed. There are places like Skid Row, that we could not even access because of it was not allowed. The reality is as bad as the worst favelas in São Paulo, ” says the screenwriter Thomas Stavros.
According to one of the executive producers of the film, Douglas Limbach, a New York native, the ‘American dream’ is no longer a reality of the contemporary United States. “The American Dream was from my parent’s generation and began to deteriorate 30 years ago. Since then, the jobs have gotten progressively worse, fewer benefits, lower pay, and almost no job security. The average American worker will have more than 10 jobs by the age of 40. We are in dire times when honest hard-working people have trouble putting food on the table”, he says.
With the script complete, the film is in the pre-production phase and ‘2 Shots of Tequila’ will be shot sometime in the second half of the year. According to executive producer, José Guertzenstein, “It is exciting to see these two professionals come together, we are very excited to see how the social criticism characteristics of the screenwriter, Thomas Stavros, combine with the introspective and documentary-esque style of Zapata”.
To see the teaser, click here.