By Lindenberg Junior
The first weeks of September had been very busy for Brazilians Who lived abroad. Every year, thousands of Brazilians around the world take their Brazilian national team shirts from their wardrobes, paint their faces and expose the country’s flag on their cars to take to the streets of New York, London, Toronto and San Diego to name a few, to celebrate the Brazilian Independence Day.
In California and in Nevada (Las Vegas), Soul Brasil magazine is one of the supporters of the different events that bring the roots of Brazilian culture and the spirit of civism to the Brazilian community. “Juntos” (together) was for example, the slogan used last year for the Brazilian Day in Los Angeles, and it expresses the need for greater involvement by the community.
The Brazilian Day in L.A was held at La Brea Tar Pits in Hancock Park, on the first Saturday of month of Sept from Noon to 6pm, but this year 2014 and until the date of this article it was in TBA (to be announced). Organized by the Sambala organization, the event founded by the General Brazilian Consulate of Los Angeles, brings two events in one as the former Long Beach Brazilian Street Carnival was aggregated to the Brazilian Day in L.A and making it more stronger than ever.
The Brazilian Day San Diego will be held again on Garnet Street in the famous Pacific Beach or just “PB”. This event is the biggest Brazilian Day celebration on the West Coast and attracts more than 50,000 enthusiasts from 11am to 7pm. Organized by Capoeira master Paulo Batuta and his Capoeira Mandinga group, the event this year promised to be the event everybody will talk about in the weekend of September as it will be held on Sunday Sept 7 – Brazilian Day San Diego.
The Brazilian Day Celebrations “wave” arrived also in Las Vegas with the first “Brazilian Outdoor Festival” organized by the couple Ana and Adam Gomes and the Via Brasil Steakhouse crew on Sunday afternoon.from 2pm to 10pm – Brazilian Day Las Vegas.
What we can said for sure is that during the first two weeks of September, Brazilians abroad living in California and Nevada as well as “gringos” with love for the Brazilian culture have the opportunity to join the “Brazil Vibe” for free (because this events usually is brought by the events sponsors) and have good memories!
If you don’t know, we have an events page or our CALENDAR that we update it twice a week, and can be as a great resource for you to find interesting general FREE events (including Christmas events during december) as well as Brazilian events in Southern California.