1Presented by IFC Films, “Pelé: Birth of a Legend” is an American biographical film about the early life of Brazilian footballer Pelé, a name known around the world, a sports legend who changed soccer forever, and a national hero who carried the hopes and dreams of a country on his back.

Pele’ tells the miraculous story of the legendary soccer player’s rise to glory from a young boy, to the 17 years old who scored the winning goal in Brazil’s first ever World Cup victory in 1958. From a life full of disadvantages and an impoverished youth in Brazil, Pelé used his unorthodox yet authentic style of play and his unbeatable spirit to overcome all odds, find greatness and inspire a country that he changed forever.

But before he was an icon, he was a kid from the slums of São Paulo, Brazil, so poor that he couldn’t afford a real soccer ball. Charting his meteoric rise—from scrubbing floors to support his family to honing his electrifying playing style on the streets to leading Brazil’s national team to its first World Cup victory at the age of 17—Pelé vividly brings to life the greatest sports story of the 20th century. With Vincent D’Onofrio and Brazilian musical star Seu Jorge. Since May 13th in select theaters in U.S and on demand.