siliconvalley e1710625355617Most of us have hear about the Silicon Valley or as in Portuguese we said, “Vale do Silício”, the home to hundreds of start-up and global technology companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook among the most prominent technology-focused institutions, and where is located the NASA’s Ames Research Center.

Geographically it is located just Southern of San Francisco and includes small towns like PaloAlto, Mountain View and Sunnyvale. The region where these cities are located is considered also the most expensive region to rent an apartment or house in the U.S by the association of Realtors and published in 2016.

In part, this situation was created associated with the billion dollars technology companies mention above and for the fact that a lot people that is established there is wealth or have high standards of living.  But what should be considered the most difficult thing about working in Silicon Valley? A dream for thousands of people and in special, younger talents.

Second Raj Patel, an entrepreneur, investor and tech sector specialist, the fast answers is learning how to build aImage Silicon Valley Dream Job career there (if one didn’t grow up in that environment) since the Valley doesn’t operate according to the rules of a traditional economy. “There are constant double standards that need to be navigated: look and act powerful, but not too powerful, as that could be interpreted as arrogant – and that’s not cool man, that’s not our office vibe” said Raj Patel in an interview for a recognized trends/technology magazine.

“The open-mindedness and alternative thinking that is sacrosanct yet. I’ve seen countless women fail to break into key roles at startups; talk about lots of capital available for any idea, yet it’s only available for a predetermined set of people or ideas; venture capitalists claims to be willing to fund anything, yet watching them refuse investments for nonsensical reasons only to watch the major funds all rush towards one equally “uncompelling” company to do its growth round since the team just seems solid”, said Patel.

This guy have benefited from this system so he can’t claim victimization, but at the same time he and many thousand others keeping in mind that Silicon Valley, startups, venture capital, and established tech company work is all within the context of sales, making money, jostling for power, books of business, competition, and deal flow. In conclusion, if you pretend that you dream coming true to work in the Silicon Valley and in this industry, you should never forget that, no matter how anyone tries to dress it up and how you connect with, it is business.