mobile phone 1595784 960 720 e1701909495465We have carefully compiled and edited a very useful information that can help you save some dollars, protect against abuses and alert about your consumer rights.

Check for your next flight status for free! Downloading the app Flight Stats. There are a few options, but this one is the only one you need. It nailed the time of your flight’s departure, almost down to the minute.  It allows you to search by flight number, airport and route, and provides basic on-the-ground information at your departure and destination cities.

For free currency and units converter we recommend Unit Plus. It is also a free app (there is a $2.99 Ad-Free Version). While the app is open, it downloads currency exchange rates every 15 minutes, keeping it remarkably up-to-date. It will also convert weight, volume, area, distance and nearly anything else you can think of.

Many retailers charge a fee if you purchase an item and then return it. You pay an average of 15% of the cost of the original item. As a self-defense, ask about restocking fee. For instance, you may not have to pay if you return the merchandise unopened within 14 days.

Take action and get a refund from your long-distance phone company provider. Long-Distance phone users are entitled to be refunded from abuse years ago from these companies. If you have spent good money in long-distance, the refund amount may be well worth documenting. Google for it for more information.

buy thing cred cardCredit Cards companies try to trick you into paying late, such as cutting the grace period (from the time of the charge to when payment is due) from 31 days as little as 20 days (the amount range from $15 up to $39). Make sure you have been notified about any changes to grace periods at least 15 days before the changes take place. Federal law requires that you receive your bill at least 14 days before the due date. If it doesn’t arrive on time, complaint to the bank’s regulator – FDIC for banks (877)275-3342 or Office of Thrift Supervision calling (800)842-6929 for savings and loans.

For check the best gasoline prices in your area, in U.S, visit or or download the respective app. Also, a good initiative to save money is “do not shopping at gas stations convenient stores” as usually most inventory is vastly overpriced with exception of cigarettes and coffee.

Wireless companies advertise a low base price without mentioning that your bill will be inflated by government mandated charges, such as the Federal E911 fee ($1 to $3 per month) and the Number Portability Service Charge ($1 to $3). Some companies even tack a Regulatory Cost Recovery fee on bills to high-speed Internet customers (about $3). This fees sounds as if it is required by law. Not true. It is just a way for companies to increase their revenues. A helpful website

Need to check a business or file a complaint? Are you victim of a consumer Rip-off? Want justice? is a worldwide consumer reporting website, by consumers, for consumers, to file and document complaints about companies or individuals who ripoff consumers. Unlike the Better Business Bureau, the site does not hide reports of “satisfied” complaints. All complaints remain public in order to create a working history on the company or individual in question; unedited.

Two non-profit organizations that are a good resources for advocacy, consumer action and privacy protection are based in San Francisco (you can get free consumer protection reports)and based in San Diego (know how to get your name deleted from online phone directories and others personal information websites).