By Rosana Braga / Translation: Lindenberg Junior

wedding 443600 960 720One thing that almost everyone wants in life is to be happy in love. And, certainly, for those who have not found their perfect match yet, this is undoubtedly one of the oldest and most popular New Year’s resolutions. Below you see some tips for you who are still looking for the perfect match.

Spontaneity is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs that we can use to attract anyone we want. So the first tip is to always be as honest with yourself as possible. Trying, all the time, to correspond with what you believe the other person expects is an illusion, because, deep down, we don’t really know what the person wants. So, the best way to be an attractive person is to be consistent with what you think, feel and do.

When starting a conversation with a suitor, the lighter you are, the better. After all, we ourselves look for people like that: light, polite, kind and who are not so anxious as to keep talking about themselves all the time or even asking thousands of questions just to see if the other corresponds with what they are looking for. Therefore, the important thing is to let the conversation flow to make it something light, in which the two parties can really show themselves and know a little more about each other.

The clearer to yourself what you are looking for, the easier it will be to find. Ask yourself frequently: ‘what do Icouple love really want?’. Learning to answer this question makes you align your gaze with your heart and this avoids wasting time and energy with people who have nothing to do with your desire and the love you are looking for.

The level of happiness you experience is directly proportional to the level of worthiness you believe you have. Although the Universe is abundant and beautiful, unfortunately, many people grew up harboring the belief that scarcity and suffering are about goodness. Religion and politics aside, you need to realize that everything we need is available. However, only those who are open and present for this abundance access prosperity in love and in life.

If you notice well, with presence and inner peace, you will end up realizing that life sends signals and that its gear works perfectly. Everything is exactly as it has to be. Everything happens at the right time. So, live one day at a time, attentive and open to new love. Because when the right person arrives, you will be completely in tune and ready for all the happiness you deserve to live!

* Rosana Braga is a Brazilian journalist and author of several books on self-help and relationships. She has contributed with Soul Brasil during the three first years of the magazine –