Category: Travel

10 Destinos no Mundo Para Vegetarianos e Veganos

Era uma vez… uma época em que viajantes vegetarianos e/ou veganos eram deixados de lado sem opções em um mar de pacotes de viagens onívoros, cruzeiros para carnívoros e quase nenhum lugar veg-friendly próximo. Viajar pelo mundo com outras opções? Ooohhh la la!

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New York Times List “52 Places to Visit in 2019” Includes Salvador (14) and Santa Barbara (3)

In a special article where the famous newspaper chose 52 places around the world and recommended their readers to visit in 2019, Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) is in the top 20, ranking 14th. In the article they said “After completing a five-year historical preservation initiative to save its Unesco designation, Salvador, with its sherbet-colored colonial facades, cobblestone streets and beaches, is gleaming.

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