By  chef Maria Pia Peter
Image_Culinary_Bobo de Camarao_na Moranga_WebThe Brazilian Shrimp Stew (Bobó de Camarão) is a classic seafood from the state of Bahia and one of the cornerstones of the Afro-Bahian tradition of cooking. It contains most of the fundamental ingredients in the Bahian cook’s larder – manioc, coconut milk and dende (palm oil).   A bobó is a manioc cream or puree, which can be served unadorned or finished with shrimp or other protein. The recipe is one of many examples of African influence into the Brazilian culture. Check out the recipe below and “hands-on”. “Bon Appetite”!


Bobó de Camarão (Shrimp “Bobo”)


  • 3lb shrimp (peeled and clean)
  • 2lb of yucca (cuted in small pieces)
  • 3 chopped onions
  • 1 chopped green pepperbobo camarao facil
  • 1/3 of cilantro bunch
  • 1/3 of green onions bunch
  • 5 tomatoes cut in small pieces
  • 2 cloves garlic (chopped)
  • 6 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp “dende” oil (palm oil)
  • 4 cups coconut milk
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 cup water
  • salt and black pepper


Put the chopped garlic and the olive oil in a pan and sauté for couple minutes. Add the cilantro, green onions, onion, tomatoes and the green pepper and cook for more 3 or 4 minutes in low heat or until all the ingredients are soft. Add the yucca, and cook for more 5 to 6 minutes. Add 2 cups coconut milk and 1 cup of water. Cook at a low heat until the yucca is completely cooked. Mix everything in a blender and put aside.

bobo shrimp 3703528 1280Separately, add lemon, salt and black pepper to the shrimps. Put 3 tbsp olive oil, 1 onion, and 2 tomatoes in a pan, and cook it at a low heat till they are soft. Add the shrimps, and cook for 2 more minutes. Add 2 cups of coconut milk, cook for more couple minutes, add the dende oil and cook for more 1 minute. To finish, add the yucca mixture you have did put aside, and cook everything in a low heat for about 6 to 8 minutes. Serve with white rice.

* Brazilian chef Maria Pia Peter graduated in 1987 as an Economic major at UFPE (Pernambuco State University) and lived in Sao Paulo for 10 years, where she had the opportunity to study Fine Arts at the Panamericana Art & Design School, then was engaged in a course for International Chefs at the SENAC University Center.  She lives in Recife, Pernambuco state. Her daughter, Amanda Peter, is an actress that lives in Los Angeles and help us with translations.