By Sandra Lobo | Collaboration: Rita Silva and Paula Ramos

cirurgia vaginalFor some cultures, having excess hair in the groin area was always considered an aesthetics sin. For example, in Siberia around 1800’s, women who removed their pubic hairs were considered possessed by a demon. In Japan, the lack of pubic hairs was a sign of being sterile and a good reason to terminate a marriage. Controversies aside, artists popularized what we call the “feminine erogenous zone.”

Ever since ancient Greece, artists have painted and sculpted the bare feminine bodies, showing to the world, in a very realistic image, that the “pubic hairs” were also a motive of enchantment and art. As example we can mention Gustave Courbet and the expression of “L Origine du Monde; Albrecht Durer, with “Eve”; or Modigliani with his “Nude.” All spectacular works of art illustrating bare feminine side. Hair removal was never mention much but, it is known that Cleopatra and women of that time used wax from honey and lemon to remove hair.Not Only Hygienic, But an Art Form

Now days, removing hair from the pubic area is not only a question of aesthetics, but also of hygiene. However that was not the case in the 70’s. Hippies and political agendas were the thing and having hair all over was the style, an expression of freedom and rebellion.

Brazil is pioneer in hair removal and aesthetics. In a tropical country where women use skimpy bikinis and sexy lingerie it’s no surprise the feminine region receives lots of attention. Hence, Brazil has created various forms of hair removal techniques such as cold wax, hot wax, creams, including discoloring that region, known as Banho de Lua or Moon Bath.

There are of course various new techniques or “modern ways,” like the hair removal using laser treatments, but the most common method is waxing, which in Brazil is already a habit incorporated into a routine for women that avoid the razor blades. Since using a razor makes the hair grow back thicker. Using wax eliminates the hair the root, therefore growing back softer and smooth at the touch.

Brazilian aestheticians invented disposable underwear for waxing to avoid damaging undergarments with wax residue…and the latest trends, adhesives with different designs such as flowers and stars, used for mold that shape around the feminine region.

And, if the article is about waxing,we must not forget to mention the J. Sster’s. Seven Sisters from Brasil Who have resided in New York since 1987, pionneered the Brasilian Wax in the United states and manage the flawless bikini lines of gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Campbell, Vanessa Williams, Sandra Bullock and Cindy Crawford. The success of the Brasilian Wax according to jonice, one of the J. Sisters, is not the technique, but the procedure. The hair around the anus is removed; the feminini areas is shaped in form of a triangle (or other shape) to insure a more hygienic feel.