By Chef Maria Pia Peter
The corn (and the foods we can make using this ingredients) is very popular in many countries around the world, and Brazil is not different. Here bellow you will find a kind of “Corn Cake” Brazilian style, with the use of coconut milk in the list of the ingredients.
Brazilians love to eat “Bolo de Milho Verde” while drinking a fresh and strong coffee in an informal conversation with friends and/or family in a late afternoon or early evening.
- Ingredients
3 ears of corn
7 oz coconut milk
7 oz milk
3 eggs
1 cup flour
1 ½ cup sugar
6 tbsp butter
- Directions
Preheat the oven at 180 degree. Blend all ingredients together and pour them through a sieve. Put butter and flour on the bottom and sides of a rounded pan that has a hole in the middle, and pour the mixture in it. Bake the cake for 30 minutes or till the surface is golden-brown.
* Brazilian chef Maria Pia Peter graduated in 1987 as an Economic major at UFPE (Pernambuco State University) and lived in Sao Paulo for 10 years, where she had the opportunity to study Fine Arts at the Panamericana Art & Design School, then was engaged in a course for International Chefs at the SENAC University Center. She lives in Recife, Pernambuco state. Her daughter, Amanda Peter, is an actress that lives in Los Angeles and help us with translations.