If we mention that the Latino population has grown in the United States is definitely nothing new, but that the Brazilian population also continues to grow, perhaps it is. Many Brazilians who are still in Brazil are planning to live in the U.S, especially those who are attracted by Hollywood, the surf culture, or simply the dream of living in “California”. In the golden state, many cities are considered sanctuaries, which are against the anti-illegal immigrant policy (*2020).
By numbers, the largest demographic group in the country is whites with 256 million people, following the Latinos as second with 58 million – that includes those who identify themselves as such, regardless of which main race. California is the state with the largest Latino community in the country, followed by Texas, while, in a matter of city, Los Angeles ranked first followed by New York City.
In 2015, demographic surveys announced what many people had already predicted: the numbers of Hispanics living in California raised and officially surpassed those of whites. As of April 2024, the California Latino Legislative Caucus estimated that California’s Latino population is almost 16 million, making up more than 40% of the state’s population. Latinos are also a majority of young Californians, with 52% of children under 18 and 50.4% of Californians aged 18–24 identifying as Latino. This is a significant increase from older generations, where only 21.9% of Californians over 65 are Latino.
Where are there more Brazilians in California?
In unofficial data, it is speculated that there are more than 95,000 Brazilians residing in California with the greater Los Angeles (including Orange County) being the largest center of concentration of the Brazilians with 45,000. The San Francisco Bay area is in second with approximately 35,000, and San Diego County including North County in third with approximately 10,000, while around 5,000 are spread outside these three regions within the state, where we can mention, for example, cities such as Ventura, Santa Bárbara, and Sacramento.

The Top 5 cities with the most hispanics are New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Santo Antonio, and Chicago
Latino population income and more data
A survey before the Covid-19 pandemic named “Latinos in the Golden State: an analysis of promotion and demographic trends”, revealed interesting data: an increase in the average family income for Latinos in the state and a decrease in the rate of poverty. Average incomes for California Latinos before the pandemic and in accordance with this survey did show an increase by more than $ 5,000 a year while the level of poverty had dropped 2.4%.
The data on the residents of the state of California has become a milestone: the first time that the Latino population has overtaken the white population since California became a state in 1850. In 2060, census researchers predict that Latinos will represent 48% in California, while whites will be 30%, Asians, 13%, and blacks, only 4%. It’s a good reminder that in the golden state, and in particular, the three most populated regions mentioned above, the cost of living between housing and spending on health and leisure has almost doubled in 10 years between 2007 and 2017.
Why does California attract many Brazilians?
It is also worth mentioning that the state of California, despite being extremely expensive, remains attracting many Americans residing in other states, but also has attracted many Brazilians living in Brazil and also already living in other U.S states as Florida and Texas for the reason that it is a sanctuary state. For years California has been attractive for Brazilian for its natural beauty, climate and beaches, and Brazilian already living in New York, Massachusetts and other east coast states.