fresh orange juice 1614822 960 720It’s completely normal to get sick of water from time to time, but you should be more careful when you choose to use a substitute for it, and here we will list the top 5. However, you should be aware that nothing can replace water. It’s without a doubt the healthiest option and is needed by your body in order to function properly.

Orange Juice

Drinking a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice in the morning is the perfect way to start your day. Some people don’t want to put in the effort to prepare orange juice on a regular basis. If you don’t have enough motivation to do so, then at least try to make it when it will be most useful. For example, making it during allergy season is always a good idea, since this drink is known for soothing season allergies, thanks to its quercetin and vitamin C content. If you’re buying orange juice instead of making it yourself, make sure to buy the calcium-fortified version, as that will provide you with more health benefits, such as improved bone health.

Green Tea

The next time you feel like drinking a cup of coffee, try to prepare a cup of green tea. Not only will this provide you with the energy boost that you would seek in a cup of coffee, but it will also provide you with some great health benefits. Green tea represents a great source of polyphenols and flavonoids, which are natural antioxidants that help protect your cells from various harmful substances. Due to its high antioxidant content, green tea can reduce the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease and cancer, and the flavonoid content of this drink can improve your bone health.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has become increasingly popular during the last several years. Not only is this drink very tasty and refreshing, but it also offers a lot of different health benefits, including improved heart health, strengthened immune system, and lower risk of cancer. Consuming this drink on a regular basis can also help you maintain normal blood sugar levels, as well as normal blood pressure levels. If you’re not making your own pomegranate juice, then you should be careful when buying it. Some manufacturers dilute the drink with other liquids or add excess sugar.

Low-Fat Milk

As a child, you were encouraged to drink milk because of its vitamin D and calcium content. However, low-fat milk can be a great drink for grown-ups as well. The low-fat milk also will provide you with many essential micronutrients you need (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) and it will help you feel full for an extended time period, which will surely prevent you from overeating.

beetroot juice 2512474 960 720Beet Juice

Beet juice is without a doubt one of the healthiest drinks you can consume. However, it often isn’t found in grocery stores, so you will have to make it at home (the best!). Some of the most notable health benefits of beet juice include increased stamina! Also, lower blood pressure and increased blood flow to the brain