By Lindenberg Junior | *English Edition: Ann Fain
The North of Brazil, which includes the states of Para, Amazon, Acre, Roraima and Rondonia, is most known for its Indian influence. They have a diet rich in fish, root vegetables like yams or yucca and powerful and delicious tropical fruits. Here, our focus is on three of these Amazon treasures including an introduction, a recipe and an alert.
Widely used for making jams, liqueurs and wines, juices and ice creams, both the pulp and seeds are utilized in the food industry as well the cosmetics industry – because it has properties that restore the skin’s hydration. It has a good flavor; mild and tart. It is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C and it contains pectin which helps the absorption of fat in the body.
Many people around the world have heard about this fruit native of Brazil, either from the Brazilian soft drink “Guaraná” or for the fruit’s reputation as a natural energizer. Guaraná contains more caffeine than coffee as well as a substance called teobromina, similar to caffeine that has milder effects. Less sleep and increased concentration. The part used however, are the seeds, which are sold as either a powder, syrup or extract.
Palmito (Heart of Palm):
The delightful “palmito”, can be extracted from various palm trees like juçara tree, originally from the Atlantic forest. The increased commercialization of these products caused many producers to began to extract palmitos from increasingly younger juçara trees. This extraction causes the death of the plant and hence, the possibility of extinction, creating serious risks to the environment. One smart option for sustainable palm cultivation comes from the açaí and pupunha (other treasures from the Amazon). After the first cut, and the plant starts growing again, take another extraction. To prevent illegal harvesting of palm trees, consumers and business people check the origin of the product to see if it has the IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) label.
Juice “Malhação”
Juicing provides a fast, tasty, and healthy way to meet your daily quota of fruits and vegetables. This one brings together the famous acai with banana, cupuacu, gurarana and cinnamon. It is both, great for energy as well as to feed your muscles!
* 50 grams pulp of Açaí
* 50 grams pulp of Cupuaçu
* ½ Bananas
* ½ tsp of Guaraná Powder
* 300ml of Apple juice
* A dash of Cinnamon
* Brown Sugar if Necessary
How to Prepare:
Break 6 ices cubes in the blender, then add all the ingredients and blend. Add more brown sugar or honey if it’s not sweet enough for you. * (Pulp fruits from Brazil like from the company Sambazon, may or may not have added sugar).