Category: Life Style

Life is Like a River

I think that one of the strangest feelings in life is the one you feel when you have to let someone you love go from this lifetime. I’d feel really selfish if I had held on to my mother’s life one more day. That was not “life”, that was misery. I thought about that in my trip to Oregon.

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Despertando Consciências

Toda a Humanidade em sua maioria e no seu mais profundo momento íntimo busca o despertar da consciência humana. Nos seus momentos de silêncio e reflexão, por mais alienada que seja, a sociedade certamente busca o resgate de algo que se perdeu no nosso passado histórico.

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Guardian Angel Conversations

Eventually I began communicating each time with my own Guardian Angel. Naturally I asked what name to call him. He explained that our vocal chords are not made to pronounce angelic names, and we would simply be frustrated if we tried

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