The Brazilian musician, native from Fortaleza, in Brazil’s northeast region, came to San Diego in 2003 and just to learn English as many Brazilians from medium classes. After a couple of months, he decided that he should stay in California to follow his musician dream.
“I have been a musician since 1990 and a lot of members of my family play some type of musical instrument,” said Cyro Abreu. He plays a couple of percussion instruments but the main one it’s the Tantam – a very important samba and pagode instrument.
Cyro had the honor to participate, in the past, of bands such as ‘Samba Chopps’ and “Grupo Resenha”, both from San Diego. He founded “Gambiarra”, a Brazilian band that plays all the rhythms of Brazil such as Samba, Pagode, Sertanejo and Axe. “We started with the band in October 2018 and are well organized and doing great things”, said Cyro Abreu. His band on Instagram is GambiarraSD.