By Eliana Barbosa | Translation: Lindenberg Junior

cuidar da aparencia e autoestima 2A person who has high self-esteem also has the skills to take care of the environment, because they do not allow themselves to become stuck between dirtiness and the caos of the planet in which they live. This type of person is cooperative and has a careful sense looking for harmony and balance to achieve the interior peace that they long for. This type of person has a conscience of, “I don’t want this for myself nor for the world”.

A person who “values”, knows how to value each part of their life – the sun, the water, the green and vibrant colors of nature, whole food and the air that they breathe. After all, to preserve the environment is also a question of self-esteem. Yes, because their attitude toward nature demonstrates their attitude about their own life: compromise or indifference?

You already must know how important it is take care of this very special person – YOU, but do not forget that you will always need a good quality of life to feel happy. You worry about your exterior beauty and look for ways to improve your interior beauty. You also invest your efforts in taking care of natural resources of your “bigger house” – the land. In the same way you should be careful with your emotions so that you will have a healthful and full life to insure that you are prevented from having illness and hunger, all the while, preserving with intelligence, Mother-Nature.

Also, as you look for opportunities for personal and professional growth, look to learn more about how you can contribute to the sustainability of our planet and share this knowledge with the others. Be a fertile seed, bearing fruit in a soil that still needs to be prepared to fight excessive ambition and egoism. Look day-by-day to apply, the “Golden Rule” of accomplishments: “Change others to that which you would like to be yourself”.

 If you commit yourself to do your part, with certainly, you will be making a difference and making positive impact on the world you leave for the next generations. As the great pacifist Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

Finishing this reflection is a story of an unknown author, who demonstrates to us that it is not so difficult to make a difference:

There was a writer who lived in a calm beach next to a fishing colony. In the mornings be walked by the side of the sea for inspiration, and in the afternoons he was in his house writing. One particular day while waking on the beach, he saw a figure that seemed to be dancing. When he got closer, he saw that it was a young man who as pickid up starfish from the sand and one by one returning them to he ocean.

“Why you are doing this?” the writer asked curiously. “Don’t you see? The tide is low and the sun is strong. They will go to dry ad die if they are left by themselves here in the sand”, the young explained, with much naturalness. The writer was astonished. “Young man, there are thousand of kilometers of beaches in this world, and hundreds of thousands of starfish spread by the beach. What difference does it make? You only return some to the ocean… The majority will die”.

The young man, then bent over, picked up a starfish and shot it into the water beyond the break of the waves and said: “For this one fish, I made the difference!” That afternoon the writer did not write, he could not eve rest. The morning of the following day, he came back to the beach and found the young man, and together, they began returning the starfish to the ocean.

* Eliana Barbosa is a consultant in human development, writer and author of various books in Brazil.  She lives in São Paulo–