Image Web June Immigration Passport e1738888673755The globalization increasingly is helping to encourage workers around the world to cross borders, and in the case of Brazil, data provided by the Brazilian government clearly shows the high volume of working permission requests granted to foreign nationals – in 2002 there were only 15,645; in 2007, the number of visas issued increased to 29,428; and in 2014 was over 40,000.

The increasing interest from the foreign market is because Brazil is considered a potential economic power, attracting large volumes of investments, technology companies, and new businesses in natural resources and agricultural production. In 2014 the Brazilian government has inclusive presented a project to attract foreigner professionals. Qualified foreigner professionals in the area of technology, science, health and other fields for the next decade will be very welcome.

In the beginning of the century, Brazil had 7% of immigrants in the labor field and in 2013 this numbers not passed the 0.7%. The project of “Statute of Foreigners” with emphasis to incentive the immigration of skilled foreigner professionals signed in Spain by President Dilma guarantees this opportunity initially for qualified Spanish professionals interested in immigrate to Brazil. The implementation of this project will continue through the years for other countries including the U.S.

Brazilian Diversity

The Brazil’s population was created from a blend of whites, blacks and native Indian during many years. In the last century, it was formatted in part also by immigrants, in special, after the second big war. Just as example, Brazil has the biggest Japanese and Lebanese community outside Japan and Lebanon respectively. One third of Sao Paulo city population has Italian last names/background and in South of almost ½ of Brazilian population has German, Polish or Italian last names/background. Brazil’s culture and life style is for sure, the consequence of this diversity