The ecological conscience in the fight to preserve the environment is forming a new society that shows more humanitarian and less materialistic means. This fact is refl ected in the education and the attitude of many people, companies and organizations. In this “new era” more and more raise the fl ag to fi ght in favor of the ecology. The Brazilian Non-Profit organization SOS Beaches of São Paulo is part of this parcel of the society that is concerned about how mankind affects the natural environment.
One the actions of SOS in April (2007) was the collection of all the garbage generated for the biggest surf event in Brazil, the Super Surf in the city of Florianopolis. This event attracts a lot of people and for the relief the impact that it can bring to the environment, garbage receptacles had been placed behind the stage. Moreover, in front of the event, on the shore, were garbage deposits made of natural material. These actions were facilitated by the work of the volunteers of the ONG and left the event the cleanest and more eco-friendly.
All the garbage collected during the championship was destined for a recycling plant. With this type of attitude, the SOS Brasil Praia, intends to continuously better improve the relationship between mankind and nature, showing that with simple attitudes, it is possible to act with “Eco- Efficiency” and assist the population in the search of a better world. To achieve this, it is necessary to give special attention to global warming and promote simple attitudes that can make the difference.
The president of the ONG, Marcelo Marinello said, “I have been working for more than 20 years in bringing awareness to the public. He raises environmental consciousness by alerting the population for the intelligent use of water, as well as the prevention of the deforestation of the coastal vegetation, since with the gradual melting of glaciers, which causes sea level to rise and advance on coastal regions”. Marcelo fi nished by saying “Only now this subject has become important. People are worried more about the profi t of businesses and forget that, without a perfectly healthy habitat we will not have a healthy life. Nobody is 100% ecologically correct, all of us commit errors. But the error is a defect and we need to at least make less error”.
Besides educating the people on the aggressions to the environment, the ONG also worries in calling attention of the children to this reality. During the April event, some special activities were prepared for the children as environmental games and garbage collecting. After the end of the fi rst stage of the Super Surf in Brasil, the work was completed with total recyclable materials of over 45 pounds of Aluminum, 50 pounds of paper and almost 180 pounds of plastic. This material was sold and the money was given to two poor local families who had helped with the garbage collection. Recycling is considered one of the most effi cient forms of the elimination of residues, therefore the garbage can return the productive cycle, encouraging the reduction of the environmental pollution and economy of the natural resources.
* To find out more about the ONG SOS Brasil Praias (Brazil Beaches), established in 1999, you can check HERE.