By Luciano Sztulman, MD

Image Beauty Brazil Fashion e1726100097934With Brazilians having such a focus on cleanliness, hygiene, beauty, and appearance, their dedication to stylish fashions should come as no surprise. In fact, the second-largest industry within Brazil today is its fashion industry. But despite its domestic predominance, many of Brazil’s native fashion designers had little notoriety outside the country itself.

Have you ever heard of Osklen or Maria Bonita? What about Rosa Cha or H. Stern? These luxury designers of fashion apparel and jewelry are common, everyday names in Brazil, but only in recent years have they gained recognition elsewhere.

Being a country of people who have a deep appreciation of beauty, Beauty are fashion consumers who not only have highly sophisticated tastes but also are well informed. Many foreign designers have learned this fact the hard way trying to sell items that fail to meet expectations. Between a heightened level of consumer sophistication and high import tariffs, outside fashion companies have difficulty breaking into Brazilian markets, but these are only part of the challenge.

The other barriers involve the ever-increasing quality of Brazilian fashions as well as an inherent loyalty of Brazilians to support domestic brands. The sense of community and social support permeating the Brazilian culture influences the fashion industry as well.

criciuma shopping presente no sao paulo fashion weekIn the last few years, Brazil has enjoyed strong economic conditions while much of the world suffered economic recession. The result of this boom has been as increasing number of individuals able to afford high-quality clothing and accessories. While Brazilians have always presented themselves in an attractive manner, the opportunity to express themselves more fully through style is welcomed.

Not only does Brazil have several top models in the world, it also boasts some of the greatest fashions. From Sao Paulo Fashion Week to international fashion markets, Brazil is now recognized as one of the elite nations in the fashion world.

For Brazilians, clothes represent an extension of personality. The bright colors and elaborate costumes worn during Carnival reflect this passion. The same applies to the quality and design of the clothes they wear every day. Being well-dressed demonstrates you care about others around you. Looking your best is not a selfish attempt to gain recognition from others but an act of respect/ At the same time, your clothes allow you to be unique and interact with others on a more personal level.

These aspects of fashion have tremendous influences on our relationships, our experiences, our behaviors, and our self-image. For Brazilians, these things feel very natural. Embracing a fashionable style that fits who you are while honoring those around you creates a healthy you and a healthy community.

* Luciano Sztulman, MD has dedicated his professional life of over thirty years to women’s health and wellness. He is the author of the book “Beauty Is Power: Dr. Luciano’s Brazilian Beauty Secrets For Staying Young.