PPEHRCArmyFood 1Each of us is as if “we were a needle in the haystack” when it comes to taking action to make a better and fairer world. Often, to do our part, a little creativity is enough, at least in partnership with the non-profit Economic Human Rights. The organization invites public in general, but in particular all artists like musicians, filmmakers, painters, writers, graffiti artists, poets and photographers to express the hope, faith, and truth that reside in our souls.

It is the artists who can take advantage of the positive possibilities that have emerged alongside the upsurge of poverty. The project incentive folks to take action and overcome the barriers that have always separated us because foreclosures, lost jobs, and the lack of health care have eliminated the distance between us.

To change the world, creativity needs connection to the actual struggles for housing, healthcare, equality, and a better life. The search for that connection led the organization to the Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC). They have aliened because it is a movement to end poverty led by the poor themselves, because PPEHRC wants to end poverty not just reduce it, and because PPEHRC places a heavy emphasis on culture, PPEHRC is also truly nationwide, with affiliates from Maine to Oakland, from the Mississippi Gulf Coast to Minnesota.

For more information, please visit https://poorpeoplesarmy.com/.