According to surfers, businessmen can put to use their risky surfing experiences not only in partnerships, but also in overcoming adverse situations. “To surf giant waves is necessary to be a strategist and to be totally determined”, explained surfer Rodrigo Resende in a recent lecture in Brazil. Besides being an athlete, the experienced surfer and champion of the first Tow In World Cup 2002 affirms that he ended up becoming, in a certain way, in a businessman. “I needed to manage the results of my work personally and commercially.”
Despite misgivings, with the passage of time, Brazilians proved that they could be as good and competitive in surfing giant waves as foreigners. Rodrigo Resende, a “carioca” from Rio de Janeiro, plus Eraldo Gueiros and Carlos Burle, both from the Pernambuco State/Brazil, are Brazil’s “big riders”. With the growth of the modality in Brazilian waters, these surfers of giant waves have been invited to give lectures in big companies. Rodrigo who preferred the sport to the medicine, sponsored by the only block for Tow In (Bennet), has become accustomed to giving talks about overcoming, risk, preparation, challenges and partnership.
His first lecture in 1999 was at a surf fair where he talked to people who practiced and understood the sport. Resdende’s next step was to give lectures in shopping centers, homes for needy children, colleges of medicine and various companies. With his partner Danilo Couto, Rodrigo tries to share the importance of team work with other businessmen.
Always brave, the “carioca” accepted the challenge of speaking to a public who did not know his profession. The fact that his last lecture in Brazil was at Comgás, the Gas Company of São Paulo, proves that the sport he practices can be adjusted to any other profession. Finally, Rodrigo emphasized that, “team work is important in every company and this was one of the messages I try to send”. “The Monster”, as he has been called, turned out to be very satisfied with the result, despite speaking to professionals who may never face real giant waves. Among the 80 people who attended the lecture, only one had ever surfed.
To “big riders,” a rigorous training and good physical conditioning is basic, because if you do not be careful, you are thrown inside a “washing machine” of 15 million liters of water. Many times, meditating, practicing yoga, swimming and running help to balance the body and mind of these courageous sportsmen who face waves of up to 20 meters of height.