By Sandra Domingos

find motivationOne of the biggest mistakes people make when seeking to achieve a goal is to wait for inspiration and motivation. Imagine if everyone on this planet waited for motivation to get work done. Productivity would drop to nothing, and our economy would collapse. Since productivity has improved over the years, it’s not likely that it has anything much to do with real motivation other than people doing the things they have to do in order to achieve a goal.

That goal may be set by them or their employer. It doesn’t matter who set it – it’s set, and someone is going to get it done. How sad that in some cases people fail at so many things simply by ignoring the fact that motivation isn’t really necessary; only doing is. They sit around waiting for inspiration to come wondering why everyone else is doing better than them, and they’re waiting for some spark of motivation that will never arrive. You can avoid this issue by realizing the truth.

Motivation Doesn’t Exist

You probably have heard of the myth of the starving artist who can’t paint, or the writer with writer’s block. It’s interesting that these creative professions have the same myth, like weight loss, that some secret motivation has to come to achieve success – some mysterious spark of inspiration that will get you off your bottom doing what you need to get done. However, nothing could be further from the truth.Image_Web_Oct 19_Motivation_2

Doing, Not Thinking, Gets Results

Time and again, the people who are truly successful in their own lifetimes are not people who wait for a spark. They are people who get up out of bed every single day, rain or shine, and do things that lead to an end result of success. The successful painter paints every single day and if they hate marketing they hire someone to do that for them. The successful writer, writes. The successful doctor, doctors. If you want to be successful at something, do it. Live it. You will succeed.

Successful People Are Not Smarter Than You

Many people get blocked by thinking that someone is better than, smarter than, or any “than” than them. The truth is, successful people aren’t smarter. Take a look on the most famous actresses that you know. Without exception they are simply people who do their craft every single day, and more times than not they are simply being themselves in front of the camera. They are doing it, not thinking about doing it, and not dreaming of doing it. They go to auditions, get rejected, and then get up the next day and do it again.

*Sandra Domingos is a certified yoga teacher and life coach. She lives between Itararé, Bahia (Brazil) and Los Angeles, California, and when she is not in one of these two cities is because she is traveling around the world. Sandra has been to 4 continents and visited more than 50 countries.