We have asked actress and filmmaker Aymara Limma, when she still was in Cannes, to share with us some highlights of the festival. Aymara that lives in Rio de Janeiro and have lived in Los Angeles did bring to us and our readers some relevant facts.
The 69th Cannes film Festival had an outstanding selection of films, ranging from (Money Monster by Jodie Foster, Julieta by Pedro Almadóvar, The Last Face by Sean Penn, I, Daniel Blake by Ken Loach, Graduation by Cristian Mungiu, Personal Shopper by Olivier Assayas, American Honey by Andrea Arnold and Café Society by Woody Allen) to name a few, but the fear of a possible terrorist attack forced the festival to take new safety measures.
Israeli armed forces were invited to help protect attendees. This led to fully-armed security checkpoints and thorough security checks. Brazil was represented by Kleber Mendonça Filho’s internationally-acclaimed film, “Aquarius”, “Aquarius”. The film, starring Sonia Braga, competed for the Palm D’or. Although they didn’t take the grand prize, they did gain more notoriety from their protest, “Against the Coup in Brazil,” on the red carpet. Brazil can still celebrate two awards – “The girl who danced with the Devil”, “A Moça Que Dançou Com o Diabo” by João Miranda Maia for Short Film Distinction – “Cinema Novo”, “Cinema Novo” by Eryk Rocha, for Documentaries.