By Cynthia M. Long

Imagem Abadiania Goias Divulgacao Prefeitura de Abadiania

City of Abadiânia in Goiás, Brazil Photo: City of Abadiânia

I found out early, healing and cures are not the same. Everyone receives a healing but not all cured due to one’s destiny, karma, the lessons the person comes in with and those surrounding him/her. In late Nov 2001 I was nudged to take a journey to a mystical village in Brazil to retreat and meet an incredible, medium and faith healer, Joao Teixeira de Farias, commonly referred to as John of God.

The mystical small town Abadiania is a plane ride from Sao Paulo and a taxi ride a few hours outside of Brasilia. I was pushed by unknown forces to leave in a week’s time. It was the busiest travel time of year and wondered how it would come together. Absolutely everything fell into place. I traveled alone but planned to meet up with a group of spiritual seekers who were already settled in the “Posada Abadiania” for over a week.

The adventure begins as I sat in anticipation at the San Francisco airport, awaiting a stand-by ticket to Miami observing a jam packed airport. By divine grace, I hopped aboard the last plane and last seat. One of the men near me looked Brazilian. He glanced at me and I knew, instantly, we had the same thoughts…”Now what?” After taking a deep breath, decided in a heartbeat to team up.

Arriving in Miami we found a hotel and went to our respective rooms. For three days we tried to fly to Sao Paulo with no success. The last resort was taking a flight to Rio to stay with my new friend, Gilbran’s mother. I was hesitant. This sort of invitation hardly occurs in the U.S. I knew, at this point, the angels were guiding me. We arrived at midnight and talked till 3am to Gilbran gracious mother, a spiritualist, who spoke little English. It didn’t matter as the spiritual connection was understood.

Now looking back, this and more was part the divine plan. We flew out of Rio to Sao Paulo the next day. Gilbran, a warm, Brazilian gentleman helped with translation and escorted me to my plane. Unaware of what our connection meant, it would take a dramatic turn to create another twist to a growing story as the months moved forward.

One never knows what the Universe has in store for us but I was open! A taxi was waiting in Brasilia to take me to the Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania- to meet Joao de Deus, known as John of God, an incredible faith healer, unconscious medium (entities use his body to heal the afflicted) and incorporates over 30 entities at various times to heal. One of the entities, St Ignatius de Loyola, was the founder of the Jesuits. In 40 years, millions have traveled from all over the world for healings and cures-some, very ill and on their final weeks of their life. Many on their last dollar or on borrowed money.

The Miracle Man

John of God and Oprah Winfrey. Photo: Monique Renne/CB/D.A Press

John of God and Oprah Winfrey.
Photo: Monique Renne/CB/D.A Press

Joao was born on June 24, 1942, in a small village in central Brazil. His father was a tailor, and made little money to support his family. Hence, the family lived in poverty; he had little formal education, but was born with clairvoyant abilities. Joao left home as a teen to Campo Grande to work also as a tailor but it lasted one day. He was devastated, and not knowing where his next meal would come from, decided to go swimming in a near by creek to help him forget.

It’s been told, while swimming, Joao heard a beautiful woman’s voice call out his name. Near a tree, a light haired woman stood and he began a conversation with her. After a long exchange, Joao had more questions and returned the next day. The lady’s voice emerged from the day light and asked him to walk to a spiritual church in this tiny town as there were people waiting for him.

Joao was baffled with the instructions but honored her request. He walked into church filled with people. Remember losing consciousness and waking up hours later. He apologized for passing out. An elder told him that he instantly healed many people in those few hours and performed amazing surgeries. Joao felt this wasn’t true but as time and conversation deepened over a meal, it began making sense. It came to be known, the angel like woman- was Saint Rita of Cassia.

The Healing Community Center

Several years ago, Joao began a much needed healing center, Casa de Dom Inacio, in the town of Abadiania, Goias, Brazil. The blue and white healing center is open three days a week; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In the healing community of Abadiania many miracles occurred while I was there.

Operations were preformed in front of the gathered group, daily. Tumors were removed from different areas of individual’s bodies, many times just using an ordinary kitchen knife. Anesthesia is never used, there’s no need, as the energy is that powerful. One man got up from a wheel chair after a dozen years paralyzed. Not an unusual occurrence at the Casa. There’s a room filled with wheel chairs, crutches, eye glasses left from those who were cured and healed. One day, I was sitting with a group while listening to John speaking. People began passing out around me.

What was told, the entities scan the room, perform invisible healings and surgeries, people then pass out during the contact. I never witnessed people in pain after the operations or saw much blood. John sits in a chair in one of the two meditation rooms filled with mediums and others who are a part of the group to be worked on. People walk in single file past those meditating. I was told this preps the visitors before they stand with John. He scans each person and it is then individuals are directed to the next step.

Crystal bed healings, herbs, visible or invisible operations are recommended. It’s been said several areas of the body can be worked on at once. “The Casa” is built on a vortex, abundant with minerals beneath the surface which creates an incredible healing energy. The village was chosen for these reasons. I’ve never experienced this sort of incredible energy/feeling before.

It’s difficult to put into words as words bring this Shangri-La down a BIG notch. Without a doubt, it was the closest example of heaven, bliss, unconditional love that permeated everyone after they’ve been there awhile. I personally witnessed astonishing, shifts people made during my three weeks stay. Abadiania isn’t an upscale resort, but it is an impoverished (by mainstream standards) community. I stayed in a “posada” with basic accommodations, but it was secondary, unimportant. I was there for greater life changing reasons.

Photo: Adriano Machado

Photo: Adriano Machado

Hope & Vision

Before left the states, I contacted loved ones who were physically and emotionally challenged. I was told “John of God” could heal from photos and material belongings of those not present, so I brought items hoping for cures for friends and family. Most responded with anticipation and welcomed this blessing, as many have tried everything medically and this gave them a sense of hope. A few, fearful and stepped back.

Some readers may have a difficult time believing, but one needs to see/feel to truly grasp the miracles and blessings that occurred. John of God doesn’t charge for his services, and volunteers work at the Casa. This belief structure brings healing abilities to another level. Healing isn’t about money; it is about love and service. Since John of God’s commitment to serving, all of his needs are provided by God, including money.

The mindset in Brazil is totally different than the U.S. Too many healers charge exorbitant prices and ill people cannot afford their services. Brazilians cannot grasp this concept. They firmly believe if money is the focus, they’d lose their gifts. There’s a universal law most U.S. healers are not following. During my visit I had visions, prolific dreams, intuitive and creative abilities grew stronger. My purpose, on this earth, strengthened. The presence of angels/guides was felt, and I was led to create Brazilian healing treasures unique to our world. I was guided to phenomenal data taking 8 months which confirmed the angelic guidance.

Interestingly, beads/stones/crystals were humanity’s first symbols representing one of the most important revolutions in our species history. The Bible alone mentions crystals over 100 times. Why? The people of Abadiania know why.

Brazil has a big role in guiding countless to make the necessary shifts needed to help our world thrive through spiritual knowledge and mineral resources.

*Cynthia Jardim Long, a spiritual innovator, dedicated in discovering inventive ways to create positive shifts in individual’s lives by pioneering gift products. She is part of the New American Heritage, a Cultural Creative and one of the 78 million baby boomers, the largest adult generation in our countries history.  Cynthia can be reach by email: