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Traditional Brazilian Bahian Style Caruru dish usually is served with okra and dried shrimp and accompanied by vatapa, beans and rice.

Caruru is one of Bahia’s typical dishes, which one clearly has African and indigenous influences. It is considered an offering that is offered to Orixá Xangô under the name of Amalá and also to Ibejis (both african deities). Due to the strong syncretism, this dish is also used in a Catholic religious event, honoring its two saints São Cosme and São Damião.

In all restaurants in Bahia, on Fridays, and also on Saturdays, they serve caruru always accompanied by vatapá, another delicacy that is part of Bahian cuisine. This traditional dish is served with white rice, shellfish, Galinha de Xinxim, a beautiful fish stew and cod. Enjoy and learn the recipe below!


Image Culinary Bahian Caruru Okra 11 kg fresh shrimp, 250g of dried shrimp, 1 kg of okra, 100g of roasted and ground peanuts, 4 tablespoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of palm oil, 1 onion, 3 tomatoes, 1 clove of garlic, 1 bay leaf, 3 tablespoons of parsley, salt, and cilantro.


Peel and grind the dried shrimp. Scrape the okra with a knife, wash and cut into rings. Put the oil, the grated onion, the crushed garlic, the chopped tomatoes, the cilantro and the bay leaves in a pan. Sauté well and add the fresh shrimp, the dried and the okra.

Now add the parsley and let it simmer. If necessary, add a little water. When cooked, if you like, add the peanuts to thicken. Cook some more and add the palm. Serve with white rice.