Image SBWeb 2017 Feb 1 PAFF e1735615898739The Pan African Film Festival is the largest film festival in the United States dedicated to the exhibition of Black films. Each year PAFF exhibits more than 150 films made by and/or about

people of African descent made in the U.S., Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, the South Pacific, Asia and Latino America, including, almost every year, films of Brazilian filmmakers.

The Festival goal is to present and showcase the broad spectrum of Black creative works, particularly those that reinforce positive images and help destroy negative stereotypes. The PAFF feature special red carpet screenings and receptions as well as a variety of other special events including panels & workshops headed by industry professionals on various topics surrounding acting, directing and other film industry related topics.

In 2016, more than 40,000 people, from both the Industry and the public attended PAFF. The 25th Annual Film Festival will take place in Los Angeles from Februrary 9 to 20 February 9-20, 2017, will be a very special year. To visit their official website visit and to go direct to the films program go HERE.

If you don’t know, we have an events page or our CALENDAR that we update it twice a week, and can be as a great resource for you to find interesting general FREE events (including Christmas events during december) as well as Brazilian events in Southern California.