113517 697x437 crop 56b3640a809cd e1733964030334The Brazilian Union of Writers (UBN) have choose the Sao Paulo writer unanimously through their Board of Directors as nominated to compete for the Nobel Prize for Literature 2016, which will be announced in Octuber in Stockholm, Sweden .

“Lygia is the biggesg Brazilian living writer and the quality of her work is unquestionable” said Durval de Noronha Goyos, president of UBE in a statement. In 2015 the winner was the Belarussian journalist Sveltlana Alexievich. Lygia is one of the founders of the UBE and has received several awards throughout her career as a writer.

The Brazilian writer, 92, has her writing works translated into German, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Czech as well Portuguese of Portugal. Lygia Fagundes Telles also have good part of her work adapted for films, theater and TV.