Do you know the song “Oh Juliana”? It is the most played song at streaming services in Brazil, and belongs to a young singer of just 17 years old from the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. We are talking about MC Niack, who simply beated Anitta and scored his second success by reaching the top of the Brazilian charts.
Davi Alexandre Magalhães de Almeida went through a period of depression in 2019, and had to leave school because of this. With the removal, his father encouraged him to focus on the world of music. In 2020, on social media, MC Niack started talking to funk DJs and launching songs in a homemade way. At the end of May, the song “Na raba toma tapão”, reached the first national place.
After leaving school, he worked in a food supplement factory. His mother is a domestic worker and his father, who is an amateur musician, encouraged him to sing. And it looks like it worked.
The first hit came with two artists who were at the same stage of their career: much in the beginning. DJ Niack, the most inexperienced, had recorded the first songs on the basis of Markim. He never went up on a stage. With the contact made on Instagram from the two tracks, he decided to send another idea of music to his new friend DJ. It was “Na raba toma tapão”. Markim bet on the song and decided to upgrade: he changed the base and arranged the vocals. Thus the first hit was born.
In the Tik Tok app, the song “Na raba toma tapão” became a success, being produced from home by Niack and DJ Markim WF, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. His second hit, which won 1st place on Spotify Brasil, “Oh Juliana”, was produced by DJ Léo da 17 and by Two Maloka. The success was so huge that it dethroned the megahit “Desce Pro Play” (Pa Pa Pa), by Anitta, MC Zaac and Tyga.
For a long time in Brazil, to have a successful song without being known in the artistic world was much more difficult than in times of social networks. With the Tik Tok on the rise, for example, this scenario has changed. It looks like a teenager’s joke, but the app reveals serious trends in global pop music, which now arrive in Brazil. In 2019, USA had the phenomenon “Old town road”, by Lil Nas X. In 2020, Brazil has “Na raba takes tapão”, by MC Niack and DJ Markim WF, and “Oh Juliana”.
From the success of DJ Niack, we see another trend of the new Brazilian hit that is even more current: quarantine pop, done in remote collaboration, via direct message on Instagram or Whatsapp, without even entering a studio, a phenomenon of the digital media era.
With apps like Tik Tok, the public creates the hits and record companies need to turn around to make it gain even more strength. These are viral songs, which appear through social networks, with repercussions primarily on searches on streaming platforms and consequently in the main rankings in the world.