Author: Alexandre Alux

Featuring Simone Santos

Born in  Massachusetts, Simone Santos is a beautiful fashion designer and samba dancer who loves brazilian culture. Although her family is from Brazil and she is the only family member born in the US, she says her blood and heart are Brazilian.

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Featuring Laura Soares

Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Laura started a modeling career in her early teens and quickly became a popular Brazilian swimsuit model. In 2005 Laura moved to San Diego, California where she attended college and continued to model swimwear.

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Awakening Consciences

Almost all of mankind in its most intimate moments, searches for the awakening of the human conscience. In moments of silence and reflection, even the most alienated of societies certainly wants to rescue something that has been lost in our historical past.

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Número de Brasileiros Detidos Pelo ICE na Fronteira dos EUA Aumenta e Brasil Passa a Ocupar o 11º no Ranking

A polícia de imigração dos Estados Unidos (ICE) vem tendo trabalho com o Brasil. Desde março de 2022 o número de imigrantes ilegais tentando passar ilegalmente pela fronteira sul com o México vem aumentando drasticamente de acordo com o Serviço de Alfândega e Proteção de Fronteiras.  No mês de maio, por exemplo, houve um total de 5.404 tentativas de invasão a fronteira de forma ilegal por parte de brasileiros.

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