By Carole Ellis

 Monterey is best known for the outdoors! It also has some of the state's oldest historic sites.

Monterey is best known for the outdoors! It also has some of the state’s oldest historic sites.

It’s the beginning of the workweek and you’re back to your “daily grind.” Are you feelin’ good? If so, then you might have a job you love or, according to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, you might live in a city or state known for residents who display a high sense of well-being.

According to a survey in 2016, four states account for 14 of the top 20 “well-being communities” in the U.S. Those states are Florida, California, Colorado, and Texas. Note that in the top 4 cities for homeowner well-being, two are from Florida e two are from California: Naples and Sarasota in Florida, and Salinas and Monterrey in California. 

The golden state has the largest number of cities in the national ranking for “homeowners well being” and, in part, should be because this facts: 1) Jobs: Cali  is the 5th Largest Economy on the planet, 2) Weather:  is mild and never really gets that cold there, 3) Culture: is a state where you can be anything you want. 

salinas california

Salinas, California

The states of Massachusetts, Virginia, Alaska, Hawaii, Utah, and Michigan each posted one city on the Top-20 list as well. According to Gallup researchers, “high-well-being communities” are typified by residents who “are thriving across many aspects of their lives, who are optimistic about their future, and collectively who are more productive, perform better, and have better health and lower healthcare costs”.

Gallup’s survey factored in, in particular, how affordable and accessible food and basic healthcare were in these communities. The lowest-ranked community in the country was Charleston, West Virginia. But remember, this survey was before the Covid-19 pandemic. 

*Carole Ellis is editor-in-chief of the Bryan Ellis Investing Letter and provides thought-provoking analysis and commentary on news topics relevant to serious real estate investors.