Gisela Fereira at front door of her new dance studio

Gisella Ferreira at front door of her new dance studio

There are times when we have go through many problems all at once like the loss of someone we love, breakdowns in our relationships, financial woes, etc, and there times when we need to look within ourselves, without giving it to guilt or despair, and find the courage and strength to act with wisdom.  Sometimes is necessary we change our perspective at how we look at yourself and the world for we accomplish our goals.

“I  never thought I would have my own studio… I  honestly didn’t know  it would ever be possible. In reality  most dancers never dare dream to have our own because we are so caught up just trying to survive”, said Gisella Moran Ferreira, a dancer instructor that for many years teach zumba and diverse style of Brazilian dances classes at Brasil Brasil Cultural Center in Los Angeles.

Not long ago she realized that in order for her to grow and fulfill her vision and life purpose she needed to think bigger than herself and free herself from limiting beliefs. “I dared to dream and began this dance into the journey of self realization and my journey into the new”, she said.

IMG-20160519-WA0009(1)Gisella is one more example that our dreams and goals can be transformed into reality. Values like respect, honesty, cooperation, courage, determination and gratitude provide the foundation for your dreams come true and a better quality of life. Self esteem is a power which can move us to healing and success as we move forward in life.

“This chapter is called growth and I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me to believe in myself and who has supported me along the way. I am the happiest I have ever been and all the hard work is so worth it. The biggest blessing is waking up and having a place to create in and getting to share my joy for dance with the community”, compliments Gisella.

* The Global Dance Arts is located at 4206 Lincoln Blvd, 2nd Floor, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 (Los Angeles) and was officially open April 26, 2016, to offer Brazilian dances classes as well as zumba, hiphop, cardio and yoga –