linkedinScammers are using fake job Ads to steal people’s identity in the U.S so if you or your colleagues are looking for job take special care to avoid these fake job ads. Typically, these job ads require:

  • Uploading personal identity documents (for example, a state-issued ID)
  • Adding personal information to your application (for example, a social security number)

Some professional experts in this niche recruiters have mention never seen a legitimate job Ad that required applicants to include uploads or personal identification information like a social security number. If you see a job ad that requires you to upload your information or add a social security number, they recommend avoiding it.

From Facebook to LinkedIn to Indeed and smaller sites like Jobvertise Ads are popping up that promise well paying jobs – if applicants provide their Social Security numbers and other details up front. Scammers then use the information to apply for unemployment benefits and more.

As an exemple of these Ads we mention “Airport shuttle driver wanted”. It says offering “a job that involves picking up passengers for 35 hours a week at an appealing weekly pay rate that works out to more than $100,000 a year”.

But airports aren’t really dangling six-figure salaries for shuttle drivers amid some sudden resurgence in air travel. Instead, the ads are cybercriminals latest attempt to steal people’s identities and use them to commit fraud, according to recent warnings from the FBI, the U.S Federal Trade Commission and cybersecurity firms that monitor such threats. The U.S. Secret Service, which investigates financial crimes, also confirmed that it has seen a “marked increase” in sham job ads seeking to steal people’s personal data, often with the aim of filing bogus unemployment insurance claims.

As the organization Pro Public mention in an report, this form of scam is surging at a moment when targets for job application fraud abound. Millions of Americans are quitting jobs and looking for new ones. An all-time high percentage of workers – 2.9%, quit their jobs in August, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Meanwhile, huge numbers of laid-off workers are still looking for work, making for a historic churn in the labor market.