23905597 10156869034722306 4747926900684282299 nYou maybe have seen this skinny and tall, blonde Brazilian model, across the web doing some product promotion or just as a Brazilian beauty in the print pages of Playboy magazine (Brazil) or FHM magazine (U.S). When you see Ana Braga on photos or in person for the first time, you should comment “she looks like a Swedish girl not a Brazilian”, and yes we agree. But as soon you know this “carioca” (a native of Rio de Janeiro) in person, you should agree that she has the Brazilian style, or better said, the Brazilian “Ginga”.

Ana Braga is an international model and writer living in Las Vegas and travel very often, in particular, to Los Angeles, NY and Rio de Janeiro. “I love to write, shopping and working out. I am a regular Brazilian girl that enjoys listening and dance Brazilian music, and also eaten special Brazilian delights such as Pão de Queijo and Coxinha!” said smiling, Ana Braga.

She keeps her lean body practicing boxing, Pilates and weight training. “My father used to own a Judo Gym in Rio. So I have always been fit because of my dad’s healthy influence. He also worked many times as a judge for boxing matches in Brazil. So I love any kind of martial arts and practice boxing and kick boxing at least once a week”. Ana also have played soccer on her early age and really like the most popular sport in the world. “I don’t play as often anymore but I love it! Said the Brazilian blonde.

She has demonstrated compassion and love for animals and in the future plans to have her own shelter to take care abandoned animals. Ana also demonstrated confidence about herself saying “I love myself and accept me for who I am! Loving and respecting myself makes me very happy! I think that the first step to happiness is to learn to love and accept yourself or who you are” said the carioca.

When we asked her about her plans for the future she said that would like to own a home in Hawaii and put her life and professional experience to work together in a project that can empower people and bring them self-esteem and realization. For last, we have asked “what should be the perfect man for you?” The answer: “Does not matter the color or the origin, but has to be thoughtful, caring and generous”.

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