SB69 Page 35 Soul in ShapeThis brunette with typical Brazilian looks decided to leave her native city, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to study English in the U.S. and originally settled in New York City. She has lived in Honolulu (Hawaii) and Wliliamsburg (Virginia). Now (*2014) she lives in Orlando (Florida) and is a licensed aesthetician and massage therapist, who works part-time as a professional samba dancer, performing for the Phoebe’s Samba Team.

At 5’6” and 122 lbs., this Brazilian girl with the sign of Capricorn always had a taste for music, dance, travelling, and  fitness. “I would say that my first gym membership at 26 years old marked the start of pretty consistent weight-training. I got motivated when I met my husband seven years ago. He had all those muscles in his perfect body, so I decided that I wanted a firm body myself!” says Valeria. She works out at gym 6 days per week practicing lifts 6 days and cardio 3 days per week. She also practices boxing, yoga and pilates. “I was never one of those people who had a membership but rarely used it” says the carioca.

She is a steak lover and loves the traditional Brazilian duo of rice & beans. Valeria preference colours are orange, green, and bronze. According to Valeria, happiness is good moments and she does her best to have lots of these moments. “Everyone experiences an unhappy mood on occasion, but there is a big difference between experiencing a temporary bout of unhappiness and living a habitually unhappy life. People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be”, she says.

This very fit mom’s – yes, she has an 18 years old daughter that recently went off to college – ultimate goal is to continue been spiritually and physically fit. She has decided to compete in her second NPC USA Fitness Championships next year (*2015) and earn her NPC pro card. Her motto is “Be yourself! There’s no one better than you!” Her dream is to open her own Spa and Retreat Center in a future soon. Voila Valeria!

Valeria Milton Cruz 01Born:  Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)
Living Now: Williamsburg, VA – USA
Weight: 122 Pounds
Height: 5′ 6”
Sign: Capricorn
Color (s): Orange, Green and Bronze.
Food: Rice, Beans and a Steak! I Love Brazilian BBQ!
Hobby: Dance and Traveling
Sport/Fitness: Boxing, Cardio and Weight Lift
Music:  Samba, Funk, Salsa and Hip-Hop
Career: Licensed Aesthetician and Massage Therapist
A Dream:  My own Spa or Retreat.
Motto: Be yourself. There’s no one better than you!

* Special thanks to photographers John Hames, Sara Anslow and Robert Tolentino