The best health, youth and beauty advice I can give you and that has affected my body and soul is my way to view my relationship with water and sleep. Yes, some people have heard of the so famous “beauty sleep” or restorative sleep but that is not a fad or something to be criticized, it’s actually a good habit that should be cherished and stimulated by all your friends!
Although that’s not always the truth, peer pressure always tells us to sleep less and that it’s okay to drink alcohol and be hung-over the next day. Another way to call a hangover is just your body telling you that it’s completely dehydrated. So if you want to go out and drink that’s okay, just make sure you drink enough water before, after and during your night out.
Also make sure you’re able to get enough sleep after you go out, unless you’re under 18 and have that kind of energy in which case you shouldn’t even be sland I don’t know why you’re reading this. Our body really needs at least 8 hours to rest and regenerate. That’s it, like any machine our body needs to be turned off in order to restore the operating system (that’s what OS stands for in your computer) in the morning and turn off our computers, cell phones and laptops to use the next day.
We have to be even more careful with our bodies, which cannot be replaced or upgraded in the following year. Our body is also largely composed of water, so it’s like the liquid that provides its well being. Everything needs to be watered, our skin, hair, nails in order to release the toxins and make sure we can work at our top performance. So there is no beauty secret (sorry), after all it is what everyone is looking for, but in the end the solution is simpler than you think.
Keep it simple: always carry a bottle of water in the bag and ensure your sleep at least 8 hours per day. Even with all projects and deadlines, remember that your body is always the most important element of your day, without it there is no life and without life there is no soul that can withstand the challenges of the real world! Do not forget to breathe in a place close to nature of your choice with good air quality (means better oxygen) especially those living in big cities! Good luck to all and hope you include water, sleep and oxygen in your routine!
– Julia Melim is a long time Soul Brasil contributor writer. She is an actress, standup comedian, model and TV host, and lives between Brazil and the U.S.
Most models rely on olive oil on when they are in the sun. And it works! Not only does it protect hair from the sun’s harsh rays, but it is enhanced as supper conditioner by the sun’s natural heat. Also, as a natural beauty secret I carry lemons in my bag to remove residue from my face and to refresh, instead expensive toners!
– Laís Oliveira is a Brazilian journalist that lives in Maceio, state of Alagoas, Brazil. She was the Soul Brasil editor assistant from 2014 to 2022.
To keep my skin radiant and smooth I make my own natural face scrub. I simply mix equal parts of honey and brown sugar with a dash of lemon. You can use as many times as you need. I found it very effective to my skin type, every other day.
– Renata “Potira” is a capoeirista and professor with Capoeira Brasil in Los Angeles. She is one of the top Brazilian Dj’s in the West Coast and Radio host at KPFQ 90.7 FM in L.os Angeles.
I learn years ago that I can take years off my face if I use regularly Rose’s oil. It give you skin a “bloom” with softness and radiance. The amazing emollient properties give dry skin smooth, silky texture. Actually, always when I go to Brazil, I bring an old time on the market product called “leite de rosas”.
– Sandra Domingos is a certified yoga teacher and Airbnb entrepreneur. She is a native of Recife (PE), Brazil, and lives between Bahia and California. Sandra helps us as an Art of Living consultant.
I think what we eat and drink has an important role in our aging. I am a lover of greens and in special Kale – very versatile, raw in a salad or sauté with olive oil and garlic as example. This wonderful green is the single best food source of vitamin K – and appears to strengthen cartilage, what can avoid arthritis. Also, the properties in kale helps to absorb part of the fat you can may consume. Carrot juice is amazing for your skin and to keep you look younger!
– Elka Haeckel is a certified yoga teacher and entrepreneur. She lives in San Diego and sometimes organizes healthy fun trips to Costa Rica and Brazil.
I drink hot tea daily and among them, organic ginger and green team. Both are rich in antioxidants and have anti inflammatory properties. Living in the desert requires extra care on my skin. I like natural oils, soaps and moisturizers. And I love teas (cold for sure) for face wash and refresh. Chamomile for example is an excellent option for face wash. It can beat blemishes and can reduce acne swelling and redness. For my skin, I also like to use “Oleo de Amendoa” from Brazil, Tamanu Oil and Mangai Oil from Asia and South Pacific, and for my hair Coconut Oil.
– Ellen Alves is a former professional dancer and Miss Brazil-USA Las Vegas. She works with investment education, lives in Las Vegas, and is a native of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I think that by socializing protect your brain and help your live longer! We Brazilians love spending time with families and friends and I believe it is actually a top priority factor to be happy. And researchers have long known happiness as an important factor to live a well-being and life satisfaction.
– Amanda Peter is an actress and voice-over artist. She is a native from Recife, Brazil and has lived in L.A since 2014. “Amandita” is part of the Soul Brasil translator’s team and video presenter.
It’s so important to be aware of the power of food, which can give us the vigor and power to stay forever young. In my search for enlightenment I find out that between 50% and 70% of all the food that we swallow every day should be eaten raw, fresh and free of agro toxics and chemical additives. In this condition, when food is full of vitamins, salts, fibers, enzymes, amino acids, essential oils and pure water, the human body works more efficiently, produces more metabolic potential for reconstruction, regeneration and renewal!
– Jennifer Parker is an English teacher and professional dancer. She has contributed with Soul Brasil for various years with events promotion and production.