Start the New Year With A Smile!

Smiling is the best of all expressions. Smiling always brings a glow to the face. You may never want to loose this magic touch.  Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy your surroundings and enjoy the approaching New Year

Invest in your Personal Development this Year and Every Year

Where do you want to be at the end of the year? What are your goals for success in work and life?  Achieving your goals starts with investing in your personal development. According to psychologists, personal development is the process of defining your goals

Real Facts to be Proud of Brazil

Brazil’s 11,000 km of coastline with its array of dazzling beaches, year-round sunshine, excellent options for the ecotourism and radical sports, impressive cultural diversity, contagious music, and first level tourist infrastructure


If you are not a personal trainer or maybe if you are not a GYM fanatic or so, maybe you don’t know much about core strength or stability, so let’s start this article explain a bit about your core muscles. When talking about your core muscles, you might think that the ultimate goal
